Speedometer Test or Other Tests
A speedometer tester or chassis dynamometer is used.
Confirm that the vehicle is securely immobilized. Never operate the clutch or brakes suddenly, suddenly drive the wheels, or suddenly decelerate. Be sure to observe the maximum testing speed and maximum testing time.
On-vehicle Wheel Balancing
1. When doing on-the-car wheel balancing on a full-time 4WD vehicle, to prevent the wheels from rotating at different speeds or in different directions from each other (which could lead to damage to the center differential or transaxle gears), always be sure to observe the following precautions:
(1) All four wheels should be jacked up, clearing the ground completely.
(2) The mechanical locking type center differential should be in the LOCK position (with the transfer gear in the “H” position). The hydraulic multi-plate clutch type center differential with center differential control switch and mode select lever should in the LOCK mode. Center differential control switch: OFF Mode select lever: Lock. The viscous coupling type center differential should be in normal driving condition.
(3) The parking brake lever should be fully released.
(4) None of the brakes should be allowed to drag.
(5) The wheels should be driven with both the engine and the wheel balancer.
When doing (5), be careful of the other wheels, as they will rotate at the same time.
2. Avoid sudden acceleration, deceleration and braking.
3. Carry out the wheel balancing with the transmission in 3rd or 4th gear (A/T “D” or “3” range). Sub Category